The quality of stitching and fabric used for manufacturing of fake jeans vary from poor to fairly good. Some of the fake products are so well made that only industry experts can spot the fakes.
Many markets are flooded with such fakes. The quantities of fake Lee and other branded jeans available all over the world are humongous.
Sad to say, raids and seizures by local authorities of such products are few.
Recently, fake Lee Jeans worth about $10,000 were seized by the National Bureau Of Investigation of Philippines. This is a like picking a drop of water from the ocean.
As always, it is recommended to shop from established and reputable stores, whether online or normal retail outlets.
Price-wise, you’ll surprise to find that it is competitive for the quality. If you shop online, many reputable retailers offer free shipping and will also guarantee your purchase. It is therefore it worth your time and money to shop online with stores like